

バイオRE4で学ぶ英会話 Chapter0





で、バイオをプレイするときは英語音声でやりたいというこだわりがあるのだけど 意味があまりわからなかったセリフもそこそこあるわけですよ








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Resident Evil 4 REMAKE Full Transcript




This blog exists for informational and educational purposes only and is not for commercial gain. My main goal is to help people. This includes quoting accurately in context; researching texts; learning English; helping people who do not speak English learn the plot; helping people with disabilities understand their games and so on. The texts are manually transcribed from video walkthroughs publicly available on YouTube. All rights belong to their legitimate and respected owners. If you would like me to remove any of the texts, email me.




未曽有の生物災害“ラクーン事件”から 6年―。

彼女の消息を追って ヨーロッパの閑村へと向かったレオン
そこで目にしたのは 狂気を湛えた村人たちだった。

いま 過酷な救出劇(サバイバルホラー)の幕が上がる―。










Leon: (offscreen) September 30, 1998… It's a day I'll never forget. The cop inside me died that day. And that night, Raccoon City was wiped out. Thanks to the bioweapons created by Umbrella. Somehow, I made it out. But too many others...weren't so lucky. I was "asked" later to join a top-secret government program. Not that I had a choice. The training, the punishing missions nearly killed me. But at least they kept my mind off everything. If I could just forget what happened that night, the pain—even for a second. This time, it can be different. It has to.

  • wiped out
    • 全滅した、殲滅された、破壊された
  • make it out
    • ある経験(通常、危険なこと)を生き抜く
  • The training, the punishing missions nearly killed me.
    • 訓練と過酷な任務がとても厳しく、ほとんど命にかかわるほどだった。
    • punishing:へとへとに疲れさせる、過酷な
  • But at least they kept my mind off everything.
    • しかし、少なくとも(それらは)他の全てのことから心を逸らすことができた。
  • If I could just forget what happened that night, the pain—even for a second.
    • もし、あの夜に起きたことやその痛みを一瞬でも忘れることができたら。
  • This time, it can be different. It has to.
    • 今回は、違うことができるはずだ。そうならなければならない。


[Nighttime. Leon rides in the car with his head propped up by his arm, along with two policemen. He has an indifferent expression on his face. He pulls out a picture of Ashley, the girl he needs to find.]
Old Policeman: So, tell me, Yanqui (Yankee)… why did you come to this horrible place? As close to nowhere that I've ever seen? (laughs)
Leon: Let's just say—looking for someone.
  • prop up
    • 支える(support by placing against something solid or rigid)
  • indifferent
    • 無関心な
  • Old Policeman: So, tell me, Yanqui (Yankee)… why did you come to this horrible place? As close to nowhere that I've ever seen? (laughs)
    • 教えてくれ、ヤンキー...なぜこんなひどい場所に来たんだ?今まで見たこともないような場所に?
    • Yanqui(Yankee):アメリカ北部出身者を指すことが多い
  • Leon: Let's just say—looking for someone.
    • とりあえず、誰かを探しているということにしよう。
    • Let's just say:「とりあえず~と言っておこう」という詳細を話すつもりがない時に使える表現。


Old Policeman: That someone must be very important, eh? The chief gave the orders himself. "Help him," he said.
Leon: Well, I'm sure you boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows. (Old Policeman laughs) ...Or maybe you did.
Old Policeman: You have a strange sense of humor. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Just between us. A lot of people have gone missing around here. And it's been that way for a while now.
Leon: Well, then...should be just another day in the office, right?
Old Policeman: I mean, last week there was a search for some missing hikers. (laughs)
Leon: I'm sure you'll do your best to help me…

  • Leon: Well, I'm sure you boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows. ...Or maybe you did.
    • まぁ、君たちがわざわざここまで来たのは、マシュマロを焼くためじゃないだろうな。…まぁ、そうかもしれないが。
  • Leon: Well, then...should be just another day in the office, right?
    • なら、オフィスでの普通の日だろうな。


[The police car pulls up to a village lost in the woods.]

Young Policeman: I think this is it.
Old Policeman: Nature calls, eh? I'll be right back.

[He gets out of the car and walks toward the woods.]

Old Policeman: (In Spanish) Freezing out here.
Young Policeman: (In Spanish) You drink the whole bar?
Old Policeman: Tssshhr.

[The young policeman takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.]

Young Policeman: You smoke?

[He offers a cigarette to Leon, but he just waves. He stares into the night forest. Meanwhile, the policeman stands back and unzips his fly.]

  • pull up: 車が停まる
  • He offers a cigarette to Leon, but he just waves. :レオンは手で振り払ってタバコが要らないことを示す。
  • fly:(ズボンの前の)前開き


Old Policeman: (In Spanish) This is one hell of a gloomy place.

[He notices someone nearby.]

Old Policeman: (In Spanish) Hey? Anyone there?

[He goes in the direction of the sound he hears to check it out. Meanwhile, the young policeman in the car, waiting for his partner, turns on the radio, which emits only a crackling sound.]

Young Policeman: He sure is taking his time. Did he fall in? Maybe you better go and take a look?

[Leon gets out of the car in silence.]

Young Policeman: I'll watch the car. Wouldn't want to get a parking ticket.
Leon: So much for helping me.

[He goes deeper into the night forest where an abandoned village is located.]

  • crackling:ぱちぱちと音を立てること
  • Leon: So much for helping me.
    • 「助けてくれると言ったって、これだけか」レオンっぽいセリフ。

